God Uses Humor Under His Alias

I was sharing with a friend of mine once how our dogs were getting on my nerves about something.  He said “Be careful.  You know what dog spelled backward is”?

At a time when things were a little challenging, God brought some humor (and excitement) into our lives as our time was winding down in Yuma.  I was struggling a bit with the future and how I will handle things moving forward.  I certainly was not living in the present as you will see in this story.

Something upset Verucas digestive system.  Needless to say she was a little more “alert” when it came time to go to the bathroom.  The night this came on I was getting them ready to go outside.  I accidentally left the door cracked open before their leashes were on.  Veruca was not in a state to wait for me and she darted out the door.  We are packed into this park pretty tight, so we are a little more than a car widths away from neighbors on each side.  So off in the darkness she disappeared.  There was that split second I had to make a decision to run after her or run back in the house to grab a light.  I decided to grab a light and a bag of Bugles.  If anything will get her to run back toward me, it is the sound of a Bugle bag.  Now there is no doubt she had to relieve herself and like now.  By the time I had her under my control she could have been at any one of about 4 sites to do her business.  I had no idea which one it was.  For me to find the mess would mean lurking around peoples site.  People tend to get pretty territorial about their temporary property lines so I figured it is best that I don’t do that at night.

So now the mental gymnastics for me began.  I was convinced that the Poop Police from the park were to come knocking and we were to face a lifelong ban of the park.  At the very least I was to be sentenced to 2000 hours of community service to pick up dog poop.  Then I thought “Should I knock on doors in the morning and ask neighbors if they found a surprise”?  Well that could start drama that just did not exist (for 3 neighbors at least).  I decided to wait it out and make an amends if I were approached.  I was not approached by a neighbor or the Poop Police.  

If someone staying on Daisy Lane at Westwind Resort in February found this unwanted gift, Veruca and I send our deepest apologies to you.

Needless to say this event took me out of my head worrying about the future.  I believe there is a lesson learned in almost everything that happens.  It appears the lesson God wanted me to learn here is “Just relax and enjoy the journey.  I did not bring you this far to drop you now”.

2 thoughts on “God Uses Humor Under His Alias”

  1. LOL, I had just come downstairs from frustratingly cleaning up cat poop from the shower…again. Sat down at the computer and began catching up on emails. Good timing to read your post! Our cat is old and I am thankful that she is choosing the shower and not the carpet!

    Well, happy travels! We are in wet dog season here, looking forward to summer!

    1. It is funny how we are grateful for things like that. It was similar with Veruca in our house. When she had to go out, you approximately 90 seconds to get to the door or she was going to go in the house. She was not particularly picky where she went to the bathroom. When she did go inside, I was glad she did it on the hard surfaces and not the carpet.

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