Cold Travels Led To A Warm Welcome

Our travels from Cedar Rapids, IA to Lincoln, NE turned from cold and wet to cold and frozen. Shortly after we arrived in Lincoln, the rain turned to snow as the temperature dropped. Luckily we were settled into our hotel by this time. Our stop in Lincoln was really our first planned stop on our way to AZ. My nephew Joe and his fiancee Camille are attending graduate school there. Joe took me on a tour of where he works along with parts of campus. All of it was extremely impressive. When I travel, what I seem to observe the most are the people. Nebraska’s old moniker “Nebraska Nice” certainly rang true. Not only at the university, but everywhere we went the people were very kind.

It was an immense joy to sit and talk with Joe and Camille about their migration to Lincoln, their programs of study and their plans beyond. Through our conversations I reflected back on when Colleen and I started out. We started on a different path, but it was very much the same. We were simply trying to find our fit in the world. It is amazing to think of how our understanding of how the world worked was so incredibly naive. I should really speak for myself here. Colleen has always been better adjusted than me. As I think about it today, I remember my mindset being one of success looking like a line graph. The trajectory of the line appearing to be linear if I simply put in enough time and work. What I have found is that success looks much more like a rats nest than a linear line. Putting in the time and hard work are no doubt imperative to achieve success, however these two things do not prepare you for unknown variables that life throws at you. I was extremely ill equipped to deal with these variables. My approach in earlier years was simply to power through and try to bend life to how I thought it should look like. In doing so, I made things very tough on myself. There was a lot of expectation on what life and success was supposed to look like. It was not until recent years did I start learning about patience, open-mindedness and acceptance. Through these pursuits I have found that success for me today wears a different face. This face presents itself to me today when I experience peace and serenity.

I commented to Joe and Camille on how their maturity and approach to life is very impressive to me. I am extremely excited for them both and very much look forward to seeing how they will grow together and leave their mark on this world.

7 thoughts on “Cold Travels Led To A Warm Welcome”

    1. It was great to see them despite the weather being pretty tough. We are really happy to be making these stops to see family and freinds so we stay connected. This is important for us as well.

    1. Hello Nancy. This trip has already been filled with many blessings as well as many opportunities for personal growth. As our friend Tom used to say “It may not turn out how you want it to, but it will turn out exactly how it is supposed to”.

  1. I love your writing Patrick and I love you and Colleen- this is an amazing blog. I’ll follow your journey. I was born in Lincoln, Nebraska! Have a wonderful trip!

    1. Hello Cheryl. Thank you for your kind words. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. Things have been a little crazy. We are getting settled in now so I have some time to get caught up. It is a learning process, but we are doing well and having a good time. Stay tuned.

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