Dogs Are A Gift From God

Children were not in the cards for us, so we directed this love toward dogs. For the first 12 years of our marriage, we adopted Greyhounds. We were introduced to them by our previous landlord. We were captivated by their regal and almost aloof nature. Over the years, we adopted four of these majestic dogs and fostered a few others. We could tell you many tales of these magnificent creatures; however, we will focus on the two bundles of joy in our lives today, PoJai and Veruca.

Sweet Little Amber

PoJai is a female Shar Pei / Queensland Heeler mix. When we walked into Tails Humane Society on Memorial Day 2010, we had plans to adopt an Australian Shepherd we saw online. This old boy was in pretty poor health and needed a family that could offer him specialized care. As we were getting ready to leave, we noticed this sweet dog lying next to the front desk. We did not see her when we came in because she was so quiet. After spending a few minutes with her, Colleen was in love. It was clear we were taking this dog home.

She was recently transferred from a shelter in Oklahoma. She did not have a name when she arrived, so they called her Hailey. They told us she had not yet learned her name, so we decided to change it. At this time, I was traveling to China for work. We wanted to give her a Chinese name due to the Shar-Pei in her. On the way home, Colleen was searching the internet for Chinese-based names. She came across two words, “Po” and “Jai.” I cannot remember the translations we found of these individual words, but we thought PoJai had a ring to it. I sent a text message to my colleague in China and asked if this made sense in Chinese. He said PoJai means “sweet little amber” in Cantonese. A perfectly fitting name for her.

PoJai is affectionate, sensitive, obedient, and highly loyal. Her personality displays the herding characteristics of a Queensland Heeler and Shar-Pei’s protective tendencies. On April 25, 2014, we shared an experience that would deepen our relationship forever.

A Profound Spiritual Experience

I know this date well because this is my sobriety date. The moment I realized I had a drinking problem, I broke down crying, feeling utterly hopeless. My drinking had progressed over the previous 10 years and had come to a head when Colleen’s condition worsened. My only coping mechanism was alcohol. I knew I had to stop drinking, but I had no idea how to live life without it.

On the lowest day of my life, I believe God showed his presence to me through PoJai. As I was sobbing, I lifted my head up to see PoJai sitting there looking at me. She did not try to console me; she was just looking at me. It was almost as if she was looking through me. At that moment, I had a sense of peace come over me and experienced a feeling that everything was going to be ok. The next day I sought help for my drinking, which started my path in recovery. I am grateful that I have not felt the need to pick up a drink since.

The Un-Puppy

When our last Greyhound, Lilly, crossed the Rainbow Bridge, we went back to Tails Humane Society to adopt another dog. I am not sure we had any idea what we were looking for, but I think we were looking for a dog to pick us. This is precisely what happened when we found Veruca.

As we walked past the cages, we saw dogs that were too timid or too hyper. None of them spoke to us. We did not feel chosen until we walked past this pen assembled in the middle of the room. It was full of puppies. Most of them were playing and romping around doing puppy things, except for Veruca. As we approached the pen, she just looked up at us with these angelic puppy eyes. She was probably only about 3 months old, but she was so un-puppy-like. She just sat there calm and hopeful. This time I was in love.

Veruca is the happiest dog we have ever had, day in and day out. Her simple joy is infectious. If Veruca had her own motto, it would be that from the movie Semi-Pro, “Everybody Love Everybody.” In her pursuit of what she wants, she is bullheaded and mischievous in the most innocent of ways. We could share many stories to offer you a snapshot of Veruca’s personality, but this one might be best.

Verucas Way Of Saying Hello

When Veruca was young but full-grown, we were at a park one afternoon. As we were getting ready to leave, Veruca spotted a small dog and darted from the vehicle. Veruca means no harm, but she also does not have a concept of her own strength. I was powerless as I watched the event unfold as in slow motion. She was running at top speed. I remember seeing the fear on this dog’s face as she got closer. Just before Veruca got to this tiny thing, she flopped on her side to display her submissiveness. By the time I got over to retrieve her, the small toy dog was straddling her and humping her head. I collected her with embarrassment and apologized to the dog’s owner. As we walked back to the vehicle, Veruca was happy as a lark. In her mind, she just made a new friend.

So Blessed

Our life over the last decade has been peppered with joy, sadness, great adventures, and perpetual change. PoJai and Veruca have been with us through it all, weaving themselves into the matrix of our lives. Every day they offer unconditional love and unending concern for our wellbeing. Whenever we are clueless how to process life, they have been there to simply let us know that everything was going to be ok. They are getting up in years now, PoJai (13) and Veruca (11). Every day is a gift. We are so grateful God has brought them into our lives. We often wonder who rescued who?

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