The Next Chapter

During the summer of 2020, travel became more demanding. Colleen’s condition was continuing to progress that led to more energy required to get from destination to destination. We needed more rest days at interim stops to recuperate mentally and physically, as a result our destination locations were no longer bringing us as much joy. There was a constant mental drain knowing we had to hit the road again soon. We knew our travel days were coming to an end. It was time for the next chapter.

It Started With A Crazy Question

Over the last 3 years, Colleen and I have been on a wild expedition that started with a crazy question “Why not sell everything and travel the country”? For many, this idea seemed insane, given our situation. For us, this was a “Have To Do” mission. We knew that time was not on our side to pursue a quest of this magnitude. Over the next two years, we would trek through 37 states and log over 15,000 miles. We marveled at various State and National Parks, sunk our toes in the sand on both coasts, and explored many local gems. Many amazing people along the way have enriched our lives.

So Much More Than We Expected

We thought this journey would simply offer us the opportunity to spend time together and see this beautiful country. It ended up showing us so much more. During the process of selling our home, we purged 99% of what we owned. This was the beginning of our liberation. By freeing ourselves from these tangibles, we were in a position to focus on new experiences. Today we realize how little we really need to live a joyous and fulfilled life. Not every detail has to be figured out, and not everything needs a plan. With that said, we faced a lot of fear and uncertainty along the way. By remaining open-minded and teachable, the stage was set for us to experience personal and spiritual growth. This process continues today.

We are not sure what the next chapter has in store for us. We better hold on if it’s anything like the last one because it will be one sensational roller coaster ride!

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